For those of you who may be interested in reading this blog I started back in ’04, you might need a key to terms used often in the Mod Maid language. As with anything, it is best to start from the beginning and attempt to follow. Attempt is the key, a Mod Maid’s mind is tough to decipher sometimes!
Key for terms used on Mod Maid’s Maple Musings blog:
Mod Maid – A nickname given to me at my first college radio station, WQBR at Eastern Michigan University. My on-air name throughout college. Origin of the name comes from the brand name of my 1985 winter jacket. Alliteration of name was used for specialty show playing all Canadian music: Mod Maid’s Mighty Maple Minutes. (at Midnight)
CanCon – Term refers to Canadian radios stations requirements to play a certain percentage of Canadian artists. Canadian Content. I utilize as a term for my favorite music.
The Verge, Iceberg and CBC3 – Satellite radio stations that play all Canadian artists. My sources for hearing my favorite Canadian music and learning new ones.
Andrew – My Canadian music partner in crime… Between the two of us, we own just about every rock-based Canadian artist in some form or another. If neither of us have heard of the artist, they must still be playing in their parent’s basement.
The Blaze – (AKA – KASR/KASC) the campus radio station at Arizona State University. As an undergrad, I was music director and station manager in KASR days. From 2000 to 2008, I was their professional advisor.
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications – My employer at Arizona State University from 2000-2009. The school I have my BA from, 1991.
Cronkite Village (AKA – CV, with year variations-CV1, CV2, CV3, CV4 and now CV5) – A Living Learning community for freshmen students from the Cronkite school. I was charged to form this community and develop it.
Big Red – Nickname for the 1969 Chevy Camaro SS I owned and bracket-raced from 1996-2009.
Dan – The ex-husband. LOL
“Bay Window” – The name of the novel I wrote in 2005-2006. The early portion of this blog is all the emotions I went through writing this novel and editing it.
Patrick and Elise – The main characters in “Bay Window”
Sloan – A favorite Canadian band. After a performance of theirs in 2005 in Tempe, AZ, I was inspired to write “Bay Window” based on all the rock band members I had known and experiences I had lived through in my personal days as an on-air personality in Phoenix radio.
There are also many references in this blog to members Chris Murphy and Jay Ferguson (C & J) who once were radio show hosts on CBC3 that I wrote many letters to.
KUKQ, KUPD, KSLX and KZON – Radio stations in Phoenix, Arizona that I once worked for at some point in my radio career. Mary McCann, who has kindly opened her home to me currently, was a colleague at both KUKQ and KZON.
Karen and Nina – My two best friends who I met at Eastern Michigan while working at WQBR.
Blossoms – Gin Blossoms. A band from Tempe, Arizona that were playing clubs while I attended Arizona State University. My life revolved around them during my years at ASU and beyond. I believe I can state I was the first on-air personality to play them and interview them on commercial radio. KASR was also first radio station to play this multi-platinum act. My most prized possession is a Gold record presented to me by the band.
Robin – The lead singer of the Gin Blossoms.
Hopkins – Doug Hopkins, Deceased lead guitarist of the Gin Blossoms.
The Posies – My favorite rock band since 1988. From Bellingham, Washington. I have seen live 16 times, many of which I travelled throughout the country to attend.
Jon Auer – One of two lead vocalist of said favorite band; The Posies. Ken Stringfellow is also Posies lead vocalist. Each have solo careers along with the band they began as teenagers.
NS – Nova Scotia. Mentioned often on blog because of two incredible trips there, fictional location of my novel Bay Window and my desired future home.
AZ – Arizona. The state my parents decided to move to in 1987. I left Eastern Michigan University and transferred to Arizona State University. I lived there for 22 years.
AK – Alaska. The state I moved to for about a month in June/July of 2009. Things did not work out as planned. I retreated to Washington due to, presumably, more career opportunities, more record stores, tons of musical acts playing live in the city of Seattle and because St. John said “I can get you as far as Seattle.”
St. John – A former student and director at the Blaze that has become one of my dearest friends. Inducted into sainthood after agreeing to drive this “crazy broad,” her three dogs and a trailer full of music all the way to Alaska. HE: Re-packed the trailer three times, never allowed me to drive once the entire trip, endured my tears daily, scrubbed an f-ing carpet in Jasper, Alberta, listened to me babble on about Canadian music, didn’t complain about the amount of Kleenex strung through the cabin in Homer when I was sick, didn’t guilt me when I killed my fender on Dino, waited for me to record shop in Canada, drove the horrible roads of the Yukon slow enough so the trailer didn’t bounce too bad, and then…offered to drive me back down to the lower 48 when I decided not to stay in Alaska. That is the definition of a great friend and a saint, ladies and gentlemen….
Dino – Nickname for my GMC Sierra Denali. Did I forget to mention I also had a minor fender bent and broken off in AK also..?
Jasper, Wicket and Brendella – My three dogs I was awarded full custody of. *wink*
Jasper is a mutt, Bassett mix who is a distemper survivor. Named after city in the Canadian rockies of Alberta. He was my parent’s dog. Apprx age: 13
Wicket is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named after the Ewok who befriends Princess Leia in “Return of the Jedi.” He is 7 years old.
Brendella is a black colored Basset Hound. She was named after a manufacturer of drag and ski boats. My parent owned drag racing boats while I was growing up. Most often referred to as “Della,” she is 5 years old.