This morning I was listening to BOB FM and they play "Not in Love" from Platinum Blonde. I'm pleased, never heard them play it, amused as I listen remembering I wrote a paper in college anaylizing the lyrics. The song ends and Milky says- "That's for Leah out in cyberspace" I choked! I checked my old emails, back on June 30 I sent an email that suggest several bands including Plat..do you think that was it OR is there a Leah in Ottawa who emailed a Plat request? Too weird! Then he proceeded to play INXS then Honeymoon Suite, It was a great start to the day! Of course Platinum Blonde is one of my main character Elise's favorite bands-wink!
Mr Good is on CFOX as I type, they played a Sloan song about 5 minutes ago..yeah..
I have not written in over a week and I miss it sooooo much! Hopefully tonight! I thought a lot about how to move on, what elements I can gloss over and which scences need to be written. I will say that the ending changes in my head often so we'll see what happens. I wrote a lot of notes while at the track, I can be in a whole nother world and still be working on it in my head. Missy told me the last few chapters made her cheeks red, now I am not sure what that means but hey..if it causes any reation, it must be effective?
Karen told me that INXS is not playing here for their tour. That kinda bums me out as Dan and I have both said we miss the show and hearing JD. She said the show Vegas(With Dan Tanna?) played "Dirty Vegas" on it. Seems strange they are skipping AZ but maybe there is a second leg. Milky said on BOB today that everyone is talking about INXS especially since their singer is Canadian now. JD is Scotian baby, I am making on of my characters from New Glasgow in honor of writing while the show was on.
Randomness: They are stomping on the floor above me here at The Blaze, I swear the art teachers tell them to do it to get back at our loud music in the building.
They cut down all the palm trees in the middle median of Apache Blvd. Wonder why?
The new itunes is acting so slow and blowing up my computer, so annoying. The Blaze is now playing INXS, must be an Albert left over (hell I mean a Leah left over, I was PD when this came out...)
Some band called Tony and I's phone line, said they were called "Original Booty Burglers" pretty hilarious name. Ahh College radio...
Back to something I mentioned briefly last week, when I got my grey washed out last week with Molly my hairdresser, I was so excited to hear what she thought of the Posies show. I thought she was acting excited about it but then realized her emotion was of utter disgust. She not only said the aforementions"fucking sucked" she also said they were arrogant and cheesy. She never even got to comment on Ken's panties... How bizarre that two people can see something in such opposite terms. I have seens them 17 times now and the potential was there for them to have lost some of their mojo-right? I saw no sign of them not still being one of the best live bands I have ever seen. I thought having Dan see them for the first time was a good test too, but he was dazzled, rocked, everything a Posies show does for you. She said their new songs sucked and I asked how long it had been since she had been following them lately as they played very few "new" songs. I think if you go to see the Posies thinking they are going to sound like "Golden Blunders" or "Dream all day" then it would be a shock to the system. They have always been a "harder" sound live. I thought Ken was ten times more animated since he joined REM and he was already pretty entertaining on stage. She hated him, said he was the arrogant one (uM...WRONG) I also explained that I think they have a tendancy to joke around on stage and that their comments were probably tongue in cheek. I related it to her as how people always misunderstood Robin's commentary on stage. But I understand there are many opinions, I had just never heard anyone in all my years of loving them say they were even the least bit bad live. She didn't believe me when I said they were my favorite band. I can't really think of anyone who has challenged that long running distinction. Even Scotty from the Blossoms would tease me that I loved The Posies more than them. (They are in a totally different catagory, it's differnt when they are your friends) Oh sure, I listen to Sloan and Matt way more now, one has to keep finding new things to amuse..but since 1988, it's been Posies for me. My engagement ring is a Posie flower for goodness sake, there are reasons for these things....
So that leads to the debate over the new OLP record. The first night it came out Dan had to drive to Casa Grande so he took it. He ranted to me for a half hour after about how bad it was and how dissapointed he was. I like them a lot but Dan is a much bigger fan. He was so bummed. I talked to Andrew not long after and both he and a friend say it's great-love it. I waited a while to listen to it, and my official statement is-boring...I listened to it 3 times in a row, just did nothing for me... One of my Cronkite Village kids said he sold it back he was so disappointed. So..differing opinions...everywhere....
Last thing-I think I may be getting a faster motor...Leah goes Super Steet racing?? 10 seconds? maybe... Dan's answer to any car problems, put a new motor in it. This time I may actually agree.
Did I mention Sloan in this post, never enough I am sure ;)
Hi Leah!
The show is called "Las Vegas" with James Caan. The show called "Vegas" was in the late 70's or early 80's and starred Robert Ulrich. His character was named Dan Tanna or Tanner.
Thanks for letting me clear that up! I know this will be a strange ? but what does OLP stand for??
Keep writing about Elise!
Nevermind, I figured it out--Our Lady Peace.
Have a good weekend!
No comment out of Karen about that totally 80's photo I found of Plat at a record signing??..come on!!..what a blast that pix is!
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