So last I wrote, I was on my way to teach the frosh kitties..actually just need a whistle to get them to pay attention...ugh, they are still so high school.. I had a resume writing guest speaker lined up through learning resources at ASU. So she shows up at 4:30pm, I am frustrated with them to no end. She starts speaking, tells them if they don't understand something she says, ask because she is from Canada. A few of my kids laugh knowing my Cancon obsession. Then I ask, well where are you from in Canada? Can you just guess.... Yep Nova Scotia... next out of my mouth, with a few more of my kids laughing,"And you've seen Sloan?" Yep...she's from Halifax..of course she is.. COME ON what are the chances she shows up in my classroom..?? She says to me after class "I believe we were meant to meet" That is totally something I would say! She is excited to have someone to talk Canada with and I am reminded yet again why all this nonsense of writng a novel must be meant to be...
So today my NS pal emails me and says our meeting was "happenstance" Can you believe that?? I just said in my last entry that I heard a song by that name that morning...and then she uses that particular word to describe our meeting... Eerie I tell you! She and I are meeting for lunch next Tuesday. She said she was sending me a NS pin through campus mail..Even Dan asked me today if I heard from my new Canadian buddy..yep..we nearly emailed each other at identical times even...
I did not write tonight, not sure why, just not in mood and kinda screwing around online instead. Talking to my Sloanie pal... Dan thinks I am avoiding finishing. Yikes...am I? can I not let Elise go????
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