Found this photo today on Chart site. It is from a holiday show Gord Downie of the Hip had last week. That would have been something to be at! Plus Sam has been out of the scene for awhile, he looks better than he did at Live 8. 2006 should mean a new Sam record. That song City of Lakes must be on Matt Mays first record, more for the want list! I told Dan he could get me a Maplemusic.com gift cert and I would be one happy camper (wait, I will never be a happy 'camper', strike that statement)
I am currently loading Best Kissers in my itunes, haven't heard their stuff in ages...actually I am adding some obscure tunes I like from bands like: Senseless things, Second Self, Then Jerico, Railway Childran, Queen Sarah Saturday. All those CDs in my closet that are in cut out record bins throughout the world. I think I am the queen of cut-out bands. My record collection isn't worth crap because I like bands that never sold any records.
54*40 is on BOB as I type. Been a good BOB day- Arias and Symphonies-Spoons, Diamond Stud and My Song-GT, We Run- Strange Advance and "Angel in my pocket" One to One-yeah!
I have not written now in over a week, maybe one of the longer times I have gone without(it's like a drug, I am jonesing, seriously) KBM asked me if I had a goal to when to finish. I have felt all along I should finish in 2005. I think I can once Christmas is over. I have one of my favorite plotted out scenes to write next, I actually can not wait. KBM also said I should be excited to finish not sad. I should be excited to edit? Yes and no, cutting out things will be difficult, cleaning up older scenes I wrote early on will be fun. I doubt I have any sense of how to edit properly. Then there is the task of finding all the tense issues. I also still have some of it written from all perspectives, not just Elise. I have an entire scene written from Patrick's prospective that I felt was a crucial scene. I need to somehow re-write it from her point of view (which would be difficult since she is sleeping) or determine if it is necessary. I want to tweak Mimi's character as I think she is so rich a character but I missed some of that in translation. I might try some character writing exercises to draw more of her out. Spoiled attention starved rich girl who tries too hard, hurts those she cares about, too dramatic for her own good. I will need to work on that. I was telling Molly something about the novel yesterday and they way I tld her it sounded like I was telling a real story, like the people were real. It kinda freaked me out! I said that to Molly but she didn't find it outlandish at all.
Had a Sloan dream last night which was nice because I have been having rotten nightmares as of late (eating dinner too late?) So in honor of the guys showing up in my dreams I will post my top 16 Sloan songs in the next post.
Gotta get back to work now...yeah really work, I swear!
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