Hello! I have had not "spare" time to blog as of late. I have been working (no, don't go count my posts on SMB in the last few weeks, you may refute that last statement) Seriously between The Blaze and CV Christmas parties, final classes and grades due plus last minute Blaze jocks needing to do their air checks..I have been busy! Really, honestly...
I am struggling today with recording final grades. I had to not pass two and feel like I am pressured ass to what to do with the problem student I have spoke of. It is hard grading and even more difficult to fail people. Maybe I care too much. I doubt my Math teachers had a hard time failing me the 7 times I took Algebra in college... ugh.. why did I bring up that memory?
In better news, I am doing a best of '05 Maple Minutes tomorrow on the Blaze (noon-two) Should be fun, I haven't done a radio show since spring of '04. I am sure I am rusty but I am planning my breaks in advance like I tell all my students to. :) I borrowed some goodies from Andrew and burned some CDs to make the show super easy. I am going to make it a shout out show, dedicating all the songs to people ;)
I salute The Church again because I saw them again on The Alternative while writing Sunday night. Last night Dan was flippiing to VH1classic and ran into a Church video. He turned it up loud to get me to come out of the bedroom but I was playing with the dogs and could not hear it. I asked what it was and he couldn;t see the name because he had the screen on the bottom. So he went through all my Church CDS and videos to figure out what it was. He was bent on figuring it out. He points to Marty's photo on the back of one and says "This guy was singing" He went through all the videos and it wasn't any of them ?! I am confused what he saw. Marty only sang one song per record. I must say as I was watching the video Sunday night I was thinking that my main male character is certainly part Marty (subconsciously!) Plus one must remember that I always felt Marty had Douglas characteristics...
I got most of my Christmas shopping done over the weekend except Dan. His stuff requires more $$ than I had hehehe... I felt good that I stayed on target and went into stores knowing what I had to do and did it. I only bought two items for myself-not bad..hehehehe
Sunday was the 6 years since my dad died. I was definately having a rough emotional day but again I saw how much writing has become therapy for me. I had a breakthrough on my ending Sunday night-out of nowhere. It was a good feeling to have a path open up. I still have no desire to suddenly get all Christmasy but I felt like I could warm up to the holidays a little. My parents loved the holidays so much, I am sure they are shaking their heads at my bah-humbug attitude.
I have had lunch twice now with Andrea, she has been such a God send, it's incredible. She wants to talk about NS and I need the insight from her. She brought some incredible photos from all over NS, she loves to take landscape style photos which is part of what I need. She shed some light on Peggy's Cove which I have a major scene take pace in. She has also filled me into to what malls kids went to in Dartmouth and Halifax in the 80's. Things I just wouldn't know. I knew Mac's was a convience store in Ontario she told me they were not in NS, it was Green Gables (yeah..like Anne) She is excited to help. I feel like I am asking too many questions but she enjoys it...so we are meeting again tomorrow. If I ever do soemthing with it, she is getting a huge thank you. She was placed in my life for such an obvious reason..it's kinda spooky. Just like going to that Sloan show. I was thinking how close I came to blowing off going because I couldn't get Dan to go. I wanted to see them, I even remember telling Missy that morning I was going. It takes so much to get me out anymore. I know I took a nap that day because we had garage saled that morning. I also remember being sad when I drove up alone until I saw their big bus and thought better..I was like "jesus, I am seeing a band I have loved for a long time in a small club." Then I recall texting Karen during the opener because they were so bad and I was bored. The turingin point was similar to seeing them in Detroit, when they came out it was like seeing huge ock stars in your mind two feet in front of you. They just have an air to me, just like I can;t explain why I was star struck with Johnny Dee but not Tim Farriss. Not sure the why's. Anyway that was a tangent but I see so clearly things that were "Meant to Be!"
One other thing, Sunday night on The Alternative I also saw TPOH. It was a video for "I'm an adult now" but it wasn;t the one I knew. I guess I never saw the US one-it wasn't very good but it was funny to see them as I had bonded with Kris the guitar player the couple of times we had them come by KASR. It was fun to see. I had just heard on my XM all Canadian channel a band Moe Berg produced called National Anthem. The XM channel is my new obsession as you can imagine...! My Sirius receiver is still on order.
Hey, yesterday Marcus and I saw "Ghost Town" by Cheap Trick on VH1classics. It was on the alternative show. also saw Love and Rockets, Beloius Some, Real Life and Breeders. Very cool show! KBM
I forgot to but KBM on my other comment but I'm sure u knew it was me :)
You saw Cheap Trick on The Alternative? Nah.. But I live by that show as you know! VH1 Classic best shows are We are the 80's (where I have seen Plat!) and The Alternative. I skipped it Sunday night in favor of the Chris and Jay show...of course!
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