Last night I "attended" a message board holiday party...Bizarre, an indicator of the world coming to an end? A huge indicator of what a LOSER I am??? But here's the odd part, it was fun!.. There are things to love about the computer and things to despise. I have always loved the idea that you can meet folks from all over who have similar interests. I was on the Posies mailing list for many years. I met many folks at shows, got Christmas cards and shared music from people as far away as Belgium. Growing up, I always had friends in many states due to traveling with the drag boat. So meeting people (nice normal people) on line is not so odd to me or is having a penpal=email pal. The internet is flipping out at ASU today so I can't blog long or may lose it. There is some rumor going around ASU that Pres Crow's office is checking if people are working full days today.
So anyway, the Sloan message board party was fun, Dan thought it was sick but got a few laughs out of it. I do worry about myself sometimes but oh well..talking music is my objective, is that wrong?
I did do some writing yesterday but I need a full, uninterrupted night to get through this scene properly, it is too important to rush through... I tried a bit in the basement here and started balling again, not good work form-hahaha Mod Maid-the poster child for "good work form"
Happy Holidays to who ever bothers to read my blathering...xoxxo
What does one do at a message board holiday party???
Curious in Chandler,
Well, you type fast, try to keep up with everyone's comments, add your own and triple your post count. I listened to a Sloan interview disc while trying to keep up, it is very fast paced! Crazy sounding, embarassing to admit in ones social circles but it was very fun! Dan's Quad message board didn't have one!
I had a Cherry Vanilla DP and pretzels while partying online-party animal I know!
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