A photo of what I have been looking at for the past few days, the wall..as in not getting much accomplished!
I started making an excel spread sheet of all the concerts I have been to, now there's a time passer!
I have things to do, and even if I didn't, I could be working on "Bay Window" which I now fear I am avoiding!
Today is a Sloan Marathon in the said above office. I have 5 discs full of live stuff and B-sides to last the day(and more it seems) I had downloaded them from SMB and finally got them off Dan's computer last night.
I was mortified today as I swept through my daily websites and saw Jen Good had photos of her and Matt in the shower. I ask this question to myself or anyone? Would you post photos of yourself in the shower with your husband? Now add the element that your husband is a major rock star and a lot of random people see said website. I wonder if I had her looks, would I take as many photos of myself as she does. I think I would take more pix of Matt then myself. Oh and she is in full makeup in the shots. If you were Matt, would you like this? I guess I am more private. It is a moral question to think about.
Why am I avoiding Bay Window? I'm worried now. (sorry that is on right now, sweetest little Patty song) No seriously, I could have written the last three days yet I think I am avoiding it. I looked back at some of my early blogs about writing, I was exhilarated. I still can be but I am struggling so much with the painful part. Can't I just write a novel where it is all happy, happy? "Nothing bad ever happens to me" I don't think I will finish by year's end. But hey, no one is holding me to anything.
Dan is still in the dunes until Friday now. Sad and quiet around the house. I wonder how he will deal with me gone for a week. I guess he usually doesn't hang out at the house when I am gone. The dogs definitely act different when someone is missing. Della has been acting up, nabbing whatever she can get her paws and mouth on. Wicket is clingy and Jasper is mouthier than ever.
I think it is scary that I look at this list of concerts I saw and I can’t remember some of them. I don't smoke or drink, I have no excuse. Violent Femmes at Mesa Amp, Aug of 1991. No recollection at all! School of Fish at Mason Jar-I love SOF but never remember seeing them at the Jar. Had to be boys distracting me. Some concerts I remember like they were yesterday. Bizarre!
I guess I should do some type of tops of 2005 list. I have been bad about those in recent years. I could write a year in review, highlights, concerts attended. That consists of 3 I think! (BUT what a threesome) Maybe tomorrow when I am avoiding work and Bay Window (sniff)
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