May I introduce you to Dartmouth, NS resident and fine musician Matt Mays. I had Andrew get his most recent CD a few months back. Leave it to me, I have yet to listen to the whole CD but I have been hearing a few more of his tracks on the all Canadian channel on XM. Last night, after a lot of fuss to get my Sirius radio receiver working (Dan on roof placing antenna properly) I finally got to hear the show on Sirius hosted by Chris Murphy and Jay Ferguson. I have been trying to listen for the past few weeks, Sears had my receiver on back order, the online feed was down, etc.. So their first song they played on their show was "City of lakes" by Matt Mays. Significant why? Well you know how many times this loops back to the novel. The City of Lakes is Dartmouth, NS where my story takes place. Am I reaching? Well, I finally hear the Sloan show and the first song I hear is a song about a city in NS, not too odd for them to play it, but for me, it just figures..
In my novel I also had Elise receive 6 roses at her dorm for their 6 month anniversary. It goes with the story that her beau is coming home the day after their 6 month anniversary. Not making the connection in my own mind, Dan came home yesterday with 6 roses... well of course that is because it was our 6 year wedding anniversary..but still... Dan usually just buys a bunch of flowers, he has never specifically picked out an amount of flowers. I think these things are odd, maybe I think too much!
Back to Matt Mays, I promise I will listen to the whole record now and pick up his first also. I am really digging what I have heard so far. The XM channel has increased my Canadian artist want list, I keep hearing tons of new artists. Now with Sirius, there are 2 all Canadian artist channels. I will explore them more soon, we have it set up in Dan's living room through the TV which won't really work since it's the only TV. I wanted it in the computer room but the dumb home kit is bad news. XM doesn't have troubles like this..maybe Howard will hear about this and buy a stronger satellite or something..all the hubbub, could care less if he's on there, just give me Chris and Jay every Sat and Sun night. The Smugglers singer has a show too which was very entertaining.
Been busy with holiday, taking away my writing time..maybe I will get in the spirit soon. Dan brought home a tree today, we'll see if that helps my holday cheer. I think I need to dig out my fave Canadian Christmas songs too.
School is so dead today, kids are all gone. Time to get all my projects done before they return. Gotta get the plans for 2nd semester Cronkite Village going. (Because I just can't wait to drive the 15 seat van again-ugh) Plan to build the alumni website for the Blaze. All sorts of projects.
Got more pictures up on the flickr site.
Yes! You need to get out your Christmas songs! Today I heard "Last Christmas" covered by Jimmy Eat World on XM radio on AOL. That was sweet that Dan brought home 6 roses for you! what did you do? Dinner? or just hanging at home spending time together?
Isn't that a sweet version of it. I heard the new "Do they know it's Christmas" I wasn't feeling it. Heard on The Peak (Yes I do still listen to PHX radio ocasionally)
Dan and I went to Fogo E Brasa for our anniversary! SO yummy again! $$ but worth it. We tried to find a Christmas tree but had no luck. It was a very quiet anniversary but nice. He worked on car stuff, I did Christmas cards. Pretty normal day except dinner.
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